So right now its just Wyatt, me, and the dogs and we have been holding down the fort till my mom gets here, yeah Grandma Johnson will be here soon! The dogs need some grandma attention, and I guess Wyatt does too;) Travis has been in Anchorage for the last couple days and will be there for a week before he heads to Utah. He is doing Avalanche training and has had long busy days. They have been able to ski tho and he says its been pretty fun. When he leaves to Utah he will continue training and get to a lot of good skiing. Yes he got off the island AGAIN, and I didn't! Thats ok tho because we have a trip planned to Anchorage next month for couple days. We get to see all Travis' family and Wyatt's second cousins! It will be his first trip on a plane and I am so happy my mom gets to do this adventure with me! The best part is I get to go to the mall and eat at a chain restaurant, YES I have been craving some serious Red Robin or something like that!:) Things with Wyatt have been great, he is getting bigger and brighter everyday! We just had our 8 week or 2 month check up and he is growing and moving right along. Our little guy is 12.2 pounds ( 50th percentile ) and 24.5 inches ( 95th percentile ) Yup he is a tall guy! The entire appointment Travis was trying to show the doctor how strong Wyatt was by making him hold his head up and stand on his own feet and balance for a second, finally the doctor said, " Yes, he is very strong for babies his age." Just what Travis had been waiting to hear the whole appointment! Haha Travis loves hearing his little man is strong. Wyatt's eye color is really starting to come thru now, they are a beautiful blue, hopefully he will keep that color! He is smiling all the time and loves to smile when you look at him and smile. He also has been learning to put his hands in his mouth and I got one good out loud laugh, that was so cute. His favorite time to smile however is at 3 am right after he eats, and I'm like OH NO you are going back to bed, we are not going to goof off right now:) He has been successfully sleeping a good 5-6 hours when I put him down now for the last week, but after that its every 3 hours. We have been trying to get him on a schedule, so we will see how it goes. I love his oohs and ahhs that he does all the time now, its so sweet. I am excited to see what Travis sees has changed in him when he gets home in 3 weeks! I bet he will be so different, that will be a good day when our little family is together again!:) I got the clear to start working out, so I am slowly getting back into it, its surprising how much your body changes after a baby! Haha I think I'm starting to learn what birthing hips are!? All I know is they better go back! Anyway its been a fun month, and Valentines day was spent just the three of us at home with a nice bottle of wine that Travis brought home from Spain, and Wyatt rocking his heart breaker sweatsuit. Wyatt got Dad another recordable book, and so we get to listen to Dads voice every night before bedtime while he is gone.

Best Buds |
My big boy getting ready for a nap |
Little lumber jack |
Twins |