Friday, January 14, 2011

Finally started a blog!!

Travis and I recently moved to Kodiak, Alaska where Travis will be finishing out his 3 to 4 years left in the military. We also found out I was pregnant just one month after Travis' return home from his second deployment!!! The town here is small, quiet and actually quite peaceful. It has been a big change from San Diego to here, but a nice change. We spent the first month living out of a Best Western and a family friends mother in law apartment with our two dogs Bailey the english bull dog, and Bubba the hyper german shepherd, while looking for a house of our own. We spent our two year anniversary eating Safeway steaks together in our mother in law apartment together while picking out paint colors.

It took about a month ( Sept. 1, 2010 ) to find our dream home but we did it! We bought a beautiful three bedroom two bath house on a flag lot in a nice neighborhood located two minutes away from town and three minutes away from Travis' work! We spent the first few months building a fence in which Travis completely impressed me with his skills and painting all the rooms in the house. We decorated the baby's room as soon as we could although I was only about 5 months pregnant at the time.

Travis began work as a cold weather survival instructor for fututre Navy SEALS. He loves his job and has made some fun and good friends up here. He works a period of four weeks on and three weeks off throughout the year. The perfect job for starting a big family! We have truly been blessed with wonderful friends, family, a home, a great job, and soon a beautiful baby boy!
 Picture with Grandpa Delbert while visiting in Wasilla on the way to Kodiak!
5 months along!


  1. Thank you so much for starting this blog! I love to hear all your stories of your time in AK. Love you, miss you and can't wait to meet Wyatt!
